Mgr. Ivan Babušík - referencie
Marek Benčat - Head of Private Banking in Czech Republic and Slovakia Privatbanka, a. s., Bratislava
Well organized and experienced real estate sales agent with professional and client-oriented approach. .
Miroslav Cegin - Co-Founder at Malina Potraviny, Bratislava
Proklientsky, zaroven transparentny a profesionalny pristup. .
Martin Hrežo - Group CEO w Penta Hospitals International, Bratislava
I enjoyed the cooperation with Ivan very much during the process of the purchase of my apartment. He was always well prepared, timely, provided valuable insights during the selection part of the process, and was also open minded with some of my non-standard requirements.
Marek Ondrejka - Managing Director at Black Swan Investments & Consultancy, Bratislava
Veľmi oceňujem ústretový a proklientský prístup pána Babušíka pri rokovaniach o kúpe pozemku. Aj vďaka jeho prístupu sa tento obchod uskutočnil. Môžem ho komukoľvek v budúcnosti bezvýhradne odporučiť.
Renáta Siekelová - Branch Manager at Poštová banka, Bratislava
Rada by som sa Vam uprimne podakovala za individualny pristup pri kupe nasho noveho byvania. Pan Babusik je nielen velky profesional, ale zaroven svoju pracu robi s radostou a nadsenim a svojim priatelskym pristupom si nasu rodinu velmi rychlo ziskal. Velmi pekne Vam touto cestou este raz dakujeme, za vyriesenie nasich potrieb, ktore sa len vdaka Vam podarilo naplnit
Marek Frecer - Senior Manager at PwC Slovakia, Bratislava
In my personal experience as a client, Mr Babusik provided the complex and expert support I expected. Given the many non-standard aspects of our transaction, this was very much appreciated and I would be happy to work together in the future.